Topics I’m interested in
- Using knowledge to make the world a better place for everyone. Especially dealing with the climate and natural crisis, global inequality and poverty.
- Deep learing, AI, Machine learning, AutoDiff and Data Science in general.
- Programming, programming languages and thereunder functional programming and type theory.
- Mathematics which includes things like Category Theory, Topology, Statistics and generally anything logically structured.
- Physics - the fudamental nature of nature.
- Philosophy - what should we do and are we doing the right thing? What does really make sense?
I’m also an eager reader of the webcomics Existential Comics and SMBC - Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal.
Tech won’t save us, by itself, but it can soften the blow. To have a sustainable future we need to realize that eternal growth is impossible and that everything has an intrisic value. For example a forest will only raise GDP and “create jobs” when it is cut down. We can have good lives without destroying our planet.
This might someday be full of interesting posts about various topics. See my CV here.