Building C libraries in Nix
By Anders C. Sørby
- 3 minutes read - 459 wordsNix is a great tool for deterministic, and soon properly content addressed, builds. However my experience is that it is really hard to go beyond the trivial usages of nix. I had to compile some C code using nix and I wrote this expression:
# A very simple setup to compile C and C++ code
{ pkgs, system, lib }:
with builtins;
inherit (pkgs) legacyPackages;
inherit (legacyPackages.${system}) stdenv;
joinArgs = lib.concatStringsSep " ";
pathOfLib = dep: dep.libPath or "${dep}/${dep.libName or}";
protoBuildCLib = lib.makeOverridable
({ name
, src
, static ? false
, libExtension ? if static then "a" else "so"
, libName ? "lib${name}.${libExtension}"
, cc ?
# A function that can update the cc options.
, updateCCOptions ? a: a
, sourceFiles ? [ "*.c" ]
, debug ? false
, extraDrvArgs ? {}
# Static libraries that wil be included in the resulting lib
, staticLibDeps ? []
# Shared libraries to link to
, sharedLibDeps ? []
defaultOptions = [ "-Wall" "-pedantic" "-O3" (if debug then "-ggdb" else "") ];
commonCCOptions = updateCCOptions defaultOptions;
libs = map (drv: "${drv}/${}") staticLibDeps;
linkerOpts = map (drv: "-L${drv}") sharedLibDeps;
objectFiles = [ "*.o" ];
buildSteps =
if static then
"${cc}/bin/cc ${joinArgs commonCCOptions} -c ${joinArgs sourceFiles}"
"ar rcs ${libName} ${joinArgs objectFiles}"
] else
"${cc}/bin/cc ${joinArgs commonCCOptions} -c ${joinArgs sourceFiles}"
"${cc}/bin/cc ${joinArgs commonCCOptions} -shared -Wl,--whole-archive ${joinArgs libs} ${joinArgs objectFiles} -Wl,--no-whole-archive ${joinArgs linkerOpts} -o ${libName}"
stdenv.mkDerivation ({
inherit src system;
name = libName;
buildInputs = with legacyPackages.${system}; [ cc clib ] ++ staticLibDeps;
buildPhase = pkgs.lib.concatStringsSep "\n" buildSteps;
installPhase = ''
mkdir -p $out
cp ${libName} $out
} // extraDrvArgs));
# type: {a = b;} -> (a -> b -> c) -> [c]
forEachRow = attrset: f: lib.zipListsWith f (attrNames attrset) (attrValues attrset);
forEachRowJoin = attrset: f: lib.foldl (acc: c: acc // c) { } (forEachRow attrset f);
# Extend an overridable function with the given overrideArgs.
extendOverridableFn = (f: overrideArgs: args:
self = f args;
newProps = forEachRowJoin overrideArgs (name: attrs: { ${name} = self.override attrs; });
self // newProps
# Property extensions. Each generation inherits the properties of the last.
propertyGenerations = [
debug = { debug = true; };
staticLib = {
static = true;
sharedLib = {
static = false;
# Add additional properties in sequence
buildCLib = lib.foldl extendOverridableFn protoBuildCLib propertyGenerations;
Things I noticed is that nix tooling has a long way to go before there will be a really smooth developer experience. The new flakes interface is very nice and I use it all the time. I’m really looking forwards to when typed nix projects like Nickel or DHall become mature.